
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Forever Friends - Vintage Frames

Hello you beautiful and creative souls
Hope I caught you in good health and in good spirits
I'm  zvia from Israel
 and this is my inspiration make
for August challenge

August challenge moodboard

The captivating colorfulness of the moodboard

 took me to many shades

and at the end, I used almost all of them

But for a start I chose dominant colors in my Creation to be 
 purple, green, yellow
So my tip to you - when there is a moodboard
 with a lot of colors like this month
I find it easier to choose in advance and to focus
on three colors that will be the most dominant
and build around them the creation and the composition
and if another color sneaks in, it's really great on my part 
of course the subject hes a huge part
 in choosing the materials in advance
This time I chose to create vintage frames
 that sanctifuy the importance of friendship
And friendships can for example also be
 between people and dogs

I filmed the whole process of the piece
You are invited to my YouTube channel

 Close ups

 Hope you find the piece inspirational
Waiting to see your lovely creations


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